User Guide

Cre8tive eVoting Passcode System

Purchase the Add-on to use :


  • The add-ons has been enhanced to have better eVoting passcode email formatting.

  • The Add-on has been tested with Non-Profit GSuite account for voting participants limit of 1000. Confirm your Google account type, limitation and Quotas here.

Cre8tive eVoting Passcode System User Guide:

eVoting Passcode System First Time User (Step-by-Step) !Computer Only!

Refer to User Guide below if you have setup previously

Step 1. Go to your installed Google Form and click on puzzle icon on top right, select "Cre8tive eVoting Passcode System". If you do not see this selection, refer to Installation to install the add-on.

Step 2. You should see few selection after clicking the "Cre8tive eVoting Passcode System", select "Setup".

Step 3. Authorization is required for first time user, click "Continue" when pop-out appear as below.

Step 4. Select and sign-in to your account.

Step 5. There will be a pop up saying that "This app isn't verified". Press the "advance" wording located on bottom left.

Step 8. Scroll down and click on "Go to Cre8tive eVoting Passcode System (unsafe)".

Step 9. Review all the permission and press the blue "Allow" button on the end of page.

Step 10. The eVoting Passcode System is setup successfully, you can begin to use the system. Refer to User Guide below for each function description.

Note: To remove this app from your authorization, go to your profile and press "Manage your Google Account". Then select "Security" tab. After that, look for "Third-party apps with account access" , press "Manage third-party access". Look for "eVoting Passcode Installation" and press remove. Once the application is removed, you will need to re-authorize the app to use back the add-on.

User Guide

Button Function Description (Computer Only)

1. Install - Not Applicable.

2. Setup (For First Time/After Clear Sheet ID) - Select this when you firstly setup or after clearing Voting List Sheet ID. This steps will automatically add Passcode column and a section header to the Google Form as well as connecting Google Sheet (Voter Email List) to this particular Google Form.

3. Open Email List - This button will open the email list of Google Sheet in another tab to input the email address of the authorize voters.

4. Clear Voting List Sheet ID - This button will automatically remove the Passcode column and section header in the Google Form as well as the connection to Google Sheet (Voter Email List). User must click on Setup again after clearing.

5. Send Passcode to Voters Email - This button will generate 6 digit alphanumeric passcode and send it to the email list that you have linked or created. After that, the sent email will be permanently deleted from the sender mailbox to disable tracing of identity of the form submitter on which passcode belongs to which account. The Google Form will also automatically enable exact passcode key-in before submitter could proceed to fill-in the form.

6. Help- Not Applicable.

How to use this Add-ons: Step-by-Step (Computer Only)

Step 1. Click on puzzle icon on top right, select "Cre8tive eVoting Passcode System". Press Setup (For First Time/After Clear Sheet ID), then the system will automatically create a Passcode question and Section header. After that there will be a pop up asking for "existing sheet of Voters List?".

> If you have a Google Sheet with email lists (authorized account for voting) listed at column A (example: A2, A3, A4, A5.....), select Yes. After that, system will prompt you to input Sheet ID. Go to your email lists Google Sheet, copy the Sheet ID (refer to FAQ if you do not know what is Sheet ID) and paste the Sheet ID into the prompt up box. Press Ok. You should receive "Thank You,Voters List Sheet ID saved. ", press Ok again. Continue Step 2.

> If you don't have any Google Sheet with email lists, select No. The system will then automatically create a Google Sheet for you to input the emails. Upon successful creation, you will receive "Voting List Sheet created, Select YES to open Email List...". Press Yes to navigate to the newly created Google Sheet to input the emails, press No to stay at the Google Form (you could still go to the Google Sheet on next step). Continue Step 2.

Step 2. Click on puzzle icon on top right, select "Cre8tive eVoting Passcode System". Press Open Email List, to confirm the email list of linked Google Sheet is correct. You should see the Google Sheet is opened in another tab. If you receive error in accessing or opening your Google Sheet, press Clear Voting List Sheet ID and start from Step 1 again.

Input the email lists that you authorize them to vote/access the Google Form voting starting at column A2 (example: A2, A3, A4, A5.....). The rest of the information is optional. Example in the picture below. After complete, you can close the Google Sheet.

Step 3. Set limit to 1 response by pressing Setting Icon on the top right just beside the Send. Make sure the setting is same as below, then press Save.

Step 4. Configure your form question to include the voting question. Configure the questions to place under the Section 2 of 2. Do not delete the section. You can add multiple question under the section 2 of 2. You can also change the question settings to Multiple Choice or Checkboxes question type.

Multiple Choice - User can only select 1 out of all the choices. Make sure to turn on the Required.

Checkboxes - User can select multiple choices out of all the choices. To configure the number of choices that user should select, press on 3 dots on bottom right and select Response Validation. Configure the number of choice that user need to select by choosing Select at least, Select at most, Select exactly. Input the number of choice on the text box beside the previous selection. Input the error message on the right text box if the user select the wrong number of selection. Make sure to turn on the Required.

Once you have finish setting up the Form, Refresh the form. You can start the voting process by continue on the next step.

Step 5. Click on puzzle icon on top right, select "Cre8tive eVoting Passcode System". Press Send Passcode to Voters Email. You are required to input the email subject/title. It is recommended to put something like Your Organization Name Voting Passcode. Press OK after complete input the subject/title. You should see a prompt out stating "Passcode sent to Email Lists......". This shows that the email containing passcode has been sent to authorized email lists on Step 2.

In-depth explanation: Once the Send Passcode to Voters Email is pressed, the system will generate 6 digit alphanumeric passcode randomly for each voters/authorized email. The email is then sent out to the voters/authorized email automatically. . After that, the passcode will be added as validation in Google Form to make sure that the voters input the correct passcode (Case Sensitive) before they can proceed to vote/answer question(s). The sent emails will be deleted from the sender mailbox permanently to prevent sender from tracking who owns the passcode.

Step 6. Voters/authorized emails should receive the email containing passcode. (Please ask voters to check on their Spam folder or Junk folder if they claim that email is not received). The email that they receive should be something similar to picture below stating the voting passcode:

Step 7. Allow them to vote by sending the Google Form URL. Press on Send button on top right of the Google Form, select Send via Link (picture below). Press Copy and paste it to your group/chatbox or even email. You could also make it as a QR code for voters to access the form by scanning the QR Code (refer to FAQ).

*Do not change anything on the Google Form Passcode question!

Step 7. Voters is required to input the 6 digit case sensitive passcode to the Google Form and press Next. If they input the wrong passcode, they will receive error and may not able to proceed for next step. Press submit once they complete their questions/vote.

Step 8. You could validate the vote by checking their submission whether if there's any duplicate passcode inputted.

Duplicate passcode submission might due to following possible reasons:

  • Internet disruption/bug - User submitted multiple time of inputs due to Internet disruption/bug causing you to receive multiple votes/duplicated passcode which is invalid. (Although limit to 1 responses has been turned on in Step 3.

  • Passcode is shared to other users - User shared the passcode to other people.

  • Passcode is used in multiple voting by changing email account - User changes different email account to vote again with the same passcode.

Duplicate passcode submission is counted as invalid and it is up to user to see how to deal with the invalid voting either by removing duplicates or the passcode is counted as invalid vote.